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Child Spotlight

Dennis Kipchirchir

They come with a desperate need of hope for tomorrow’s meal, a skill that will provide basic necessities, and a life of self-worth. Like most of our children in the Empowering Lives Children’s Home at Ilula, Dennis Kipchirchir experienced loss and pain at a young age. Having never known his father and unable to recall the face of his mother, this toddler was sent to live with his oldest sister when orphaned. Being the youngest of nine siblings, Dennis was under the watch of his brothers and sisters who were all left to fend for themselves. It was a struggle for their oldest sister, Sally, to provide for them. Being jobless, she knew she must spend each day knocking on doors in an attempt to find odd jobs to feed the family.

As with so many children in Kenya, Dennis and his siblings had the potential and willingness to break out of a cycle of poverty, but no tools or opportunity to do so. Dennis’ future did not look bright as he and his siblings struggled to survive, let alone dare to dream of a better future. It was hard to have hope during those dark days, yet little did Dennis know a “But then God” moment was right around the corner!

In so many wonderful Bible moments, there comes the life altering verse that begins with, “But then God…” when God shows up in a mighty way. The same held true for Dennis! But then our Great God stepped in! From the moment he entered Ilula Children’s Home in 2006, at just three years old, Dennis experienced a stable home life where he was loved and nurtured holistically. Dennis had the makings of a very rich environment in which to grow and dream. Taking small steps of encouragement, patience, routine, and responsibility, within a year Dennis became a different child. Happy with being in a safe place with loving parents and other brothers and sisters who cared, he learned of Jesus and His great love for him. Like the daily meals of healthy food, Dennis received spiritual enrichment and access to education. And with each step along the way, Dennis’ life is being transformed into the plan that God Himself has for him.

Today, Dennis is a young man of 19 years, looking to begin his next chapter in life as he is on the verge of completing his twelfth-grade year. It’s a bright future made possible through his faith in God, hard work, and determination to excel. The loving home he grew up in at Ilula, along with the generosity of his faithful ELI sponsors, have made it possible for Dennis to not only attend school, but graduate high school and apply for college, where he hopes to major in forensic science. While we are thrilled at his academic success, we rejoice even more that he loves the Lord Jesus with all his heart and desires to follow Him every step of the way.

Dennis asserts he wants to use his skills to make a difference in his community for the Glory of God, and we’re confident that he will make an impact as a world changer wherever he goes! Dennis’ life is a story of transformative change that looks to the future with hope. We look forward to watching his future unfold.

Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Flovia Jepng'etch

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Caroline Jeptoo

Sharon Chelegat

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Ben Kanyanga

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

Eliud Kiptoo


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