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Child Spotlight

Flovia Jepng'etch

If you saw Flovia today at age 16, you would not recognize her as the same little girl who came to our Kipkaren Children’s Home fourteen years ago. Flovia’s life began with many hardships. At only eight months old, Flovia lost her mother to severe illness, leaving her orphaned and in the care of her elderly grandmother. The grandmother had no interest in being Flovia’s guardian, leading to extreme neglect as Flovia would be left outside under a tree during the day, and only brought inside at night to sleep. Because of this, Flovia quickly became malnourished, weak, and practically abandoned. But this was only the beginning of Flovia’s story. God had a miraculous transformation in store!

When Flovia was two years old, a Medical Team happened to pass by her grandmother’s home. They were astounded to see a small child covered in wounds all alone under a tree. As they went over to check on the child, they discovered she couldn’t walk or speak. Realizing Flovia was in desperate need of care, the team approached her grandmother to find out more about her situation. Once they heard Flovia’s story, they asked the grandmother’s permission to take the child to a hospital in order to receive the urgent medical care she needed. Flovia was then taken to Kimbilio Hospital. In just a matter of months, Flovia transformed from a severely ill, weak, and malnourished child into a playful spirit who captured the hearts of those around her. During this time, she even learned to walk and speak not one, but two languages!

Once Flovia’s health was restored, the hospital staff knew they needed to find her a forever home. They connected with ELI, and in 2008, Flovia joined our Kipkaren Children’s Home at the age of three. There, she found everything she had been missing! A loving family, a safe home, holistic counseling, and a life full of hope were all there waiting for her. Because of this, she was able to begin healing from her past and dreaming of her bright future! Flovia is now surrounded by family members who love, accept, and truly want the best for her.

Despite all she has been through, Flovia remains so grateful to God, ELI, and her faithful sponsors for giving her the opportunity to reach her full potential and live an abundant life. She often expresses this gratefulness through praise and worship during devotions at the Children’s Home! It has been a long journey for Flovia, but her life has been transformed.  Flovia is filled with a new hope for her future and dreams of becoming a counselor one day, allowing her to embrace her story and use it to empower others. We have no doubt that Flovia will change the world! 


Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Dennis Kipchirchir

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Caroline Jeptoo

Sharon Chelegat

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Ben Kanyanga

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

Eliud Kiptoo


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