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Child Spotlight

Ben Kanyanga

Ben is a record holder at ELI! At just 21 months old, Ben was brought to our Kipkaren Children’s home, making him the youngest child to ever enter our ELI family. Though his life began with many obstacles associated with generational poverty, being orphaned, severely malnourished, and chronically ill, he is now living a record-breaking life!

Now 5 years old, Ben has a loving home and parents who are raising him to love God and dream big. He loves to play outside with his brothers and sisters and will try any new game or activity (his house parents say he has the energy of a 10-year-old)! Ben is bright, funny, and is always taking steps to be the best kid he can be. Soon, he will be starting first grade at a new school—completely crushing those obstacles that used to surround him!

We are so thankful Ben now has hope for his future. He has even said that he hopes to become a doctor one day so that he can heal others, just as he was healed as a baby. We know God will continue to watch over Ben and lead him on the path to becoming a World Changer! 


Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Dennis Kipchirchir

Flovia Jepng'etch

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Caroline Jeptoo

Sharon Chelegat

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

Eliud Kiptoo


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