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Child Spotlight

Caroline Jeptoo

15 years ago, Caroline Jeptoo arrived at our Kipkaren Children’s Home at just 8 years old. After experiencing the devastating effects of poverty, Caroline was so relieved to finally be in a place where she felt loved, safe, and full of HOPE! Immediately, she was met with caring parents, siblings, nutritious food, and medical care. Being welcomed into the children’s home was a major turning point in Caroline’s life, and she quickly knew that this new environment would allow her to thrive in ways she never thought possible!

Caroline began to dream big and work hard the moment she began attending school. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste! At first, she struggled in the classroom. Her grades suffered, while exams were met with uncertainty and anxiety. But Caroline never gave up! With support, encouragement, and guidance from her parents and teachers, Caroline began transforming into a student full of confidence, and her academic performance skyrocketed.  

This determination to do well continued through high school, where Caroline was appointed to the student counsel and participated in Christian Union, allowing her to strengthen her leadership skills and share the word of God. During this time, Caroline also discovered an interest in accounting. She was fascinated by numbers, problem solving, and the process of helping others overcome financial struggles!

After graduating high school, Caroline received a letter of admission to Mount Kenya University, where she perused a degree in Banking and Finance. She spent her time making new friends, attending bible studies, sharing her testimony, and studying hard before finally graduating college in 2019. However, Caroline quickly realized that work was incredibly difficult to find. Although she struggled, Caroline knew that God was in control. She knew that He has big plans for her life and career!

This trust in God led her somewhere special . . . somewhere familiar . . . it led her back to ELI! While Caroline was searching for jobs, our Kipkaren Children’s Home was searching for, you guessed it, an accountant! She applied right away and was soon hired onto the ELI staff. It was a full-circle moment for Caroline, and she was ecstatic. She now has the opportunity to be an example of God’s faithfulness and restorative power to the children who are growing up right where she did years ago, helping to inspire future World Changers!

Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Dennis Kipchirchir

Flovia Jepng'etch

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Sharon Chelegat

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Ben Kanyanga

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

Eliud Kiptoo


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