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Child Spotlight

Sharon Chelegat

As 10-year-old Sharon was settling into her new life at our Kipkaren Children’s Home back in 2019, she was taken for a routine checkup to make sure her house parents were aware of any specific medical needs. However, this visit ended up being anything but routine. As the doctor performed and reviewed multiple tests, it was revealed that Sharon had an abnormal heartbeat. She was then sent home with medication and was told that hopefully, the abnormality would resolve over time. At first, Sharon seemed to be doing very well. But as time passed, she realized that running with her siblings or playing sports weren’t as easy as they used to be. Eventually, even walking grew too exhausting.

Knowing this was a serious issue, Sharon was quickly taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital for a CT scan. Minutes seemed like hours as Sharon’s parents awaited the results of the scan, which eventually revealed that there was a small hole in Sharon’s heart. Her team of doctors, including American missionary surgeons who were miraculously already on their way to Kenya, quickly began constructing a treatment plan for Sharon.

After some discussion, it was decided that Sharon would need to undergo open-heart surgery. Uncertainty flooded Sharon and her family . . . but nothing could compare to the hope and strength they found in Jesus. God had a plan for Sharon, and they were all going to trust Him wholeheartedly!

Emotional goodbyes and messages of encouragement were shared as everyone at our Kipkaren Children’s Home gathered to pray God’s blessings, protection, and peace over Sharon before surgery. Then, at 6:15am on October 25th, 2021, the procedure began. After 7 hours of anxiously awaiting the results of the surgery, the doctor’s informed Sharon’s parents that the surgery was a success! Originally, Sharon’s recovery at the hospital was projected to take at least two weeks, but miraculously, she was released from the hospital after just one week. The doctors and staff were amazed at how quickly she recovered! Glory to God!

Excited to return home to her ELI family, Sharon was met with a joyous reunion at Kipkaren. It was a heartfelt time of praise, laughter, and relief. Sharon was safe, she was home, and she was held by God every step of the way!

Now, Sharon is off all medication, healing extremely well, and is feeling like herself again. She even has a newfound desire to become a doctor when she grows up so she can help others just like her! Sharon’s story is truly a beautiful example of God’s love for His children, and that when we put our faith in Him, all things are possible.

Please join us in praying for Sharon to continue growing, healing, and enjoying life as she inspires the world with her miraculous testimony!

Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Dennis Kipchirchir

Flovia Jepng'etch

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Caroline Jeptoo

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Ben Kanyanga

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

Eliud Kiptoo


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