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Child Spotlight

Viola Jelagat

A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it. Viola, from our Kipkaren Children’s Home, is a living embodiment of choosing to stand tall rather than bow. When Viola arrived at ELI as a little girl, she had already experienced a life of extreme trauma that comes from generational poverty. However, it didn’t take long for her to find safety, comfort, hope, and most importantly, the love of God in her new home! She was surrounded by these blessings, yet Viola would soon be met with an unexpected challenge.

During Viola’s first year of school, she began noticing that there was a problem with her eyesight. She quickly began treatment, but despite doctors’ best efforts, she eventually lost sight in one eye completely. Because of this, she began to fall behind in school and struggled in her classes. But Viola never lost hope! Despite this immense and unexpected challenge, she remained strong and faithful.

As she continued adjusting to living with sight loss, Viola remained joyful wherever she went! Whether it was playing with her siblings, trying out new games, or spending time outside, it was obvious that Viola was not going to let this challenge stop her from finding beauty in life. She even discovered that she had a passion for baking and decided to pursue a degree in Catering. She joined St. Brendan School of Catering in 2018 and has since completed her course. The Director of the school described Viola as, “a girl who is well disciplined, hardworking, and who loves God.” In fact, the school staff was so impressed with Viola, they offered her a job at the school!

Although she has been through so much, Viola did not bow to the challenge of losing sight, allowing it to become an obstacle in her life. Instead, she chose to seek gratitude and discover, embrace, and develop her God-given talents. She had these specific words to share: “It is my pleasure to thank my sponsors and ELI family for their efforts and good hearts. If not your support, I could not have reached where I am today or become the person that I am today. Words cannot express my gratitude. May God bless you all abundantly.”

Viola is healthy, happy, and hopeful as she continues her journey into adulthood. Her life has been completely transformed! Viola says in the near future she wants to use the skills she has developed to open her own bakery business, encouraging others who have struggled academically with a hopeful future. There is no doubt that Viola will use her God-given gifts to spread love and to change the world. We could not be prouder of Viola and her many accomplishments!

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