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Child Spotlight

Kevin Teriokoo

It’s hard to imagine fighting for survival at only 5 years old, but that is exactly Kevin’s experience. Kevin was orphaned at age 5 when his mother died of pneumonia. He was sent to live with his grandmother, who was weak and quite elderly. As he struggled to survive, living on very little food while working hard on his grandmother’s small farm, Kevin already realized his life held little chance of a promising future.

Kevin’s determination kept him going, and he held onto the slim hope of one day getting the opportunity to help his family. They planted vegetables for survival, and as the crop grew, Kevin would go door to door to sell them to bring in a little money. Although Kevin’s grandmother saved all the income she could, she still was not able to pay for school fees or purchase a school uniform, and they would often go to bed hungry.

A friend directed Kevin’s grandmother to the ELI Children’s Home in Kipkaren, and she agreed it was the best option for Kevin’s future. In June of 2014, Kevin, almost 8 years old, was introduced to his new ELI family and home. Though you can imagine how overwhelmed and frightened he must have been by his new surroundings, he was desperate for a helping hand that would allow him to thrive.

From that point on, Kevin has never been the same. His ELI parents say he is a bright 6th grader, full of ambition, sincere, responsible, and hardworking. He is focused on achieving his dream of becoming a pilot, and more than ever, he wants to have his chance at a happy life.

During the Covid 19 lockdown, Kevin decided to start a project of developing a tree plantation. He now has a variety of trees like, Pine, Grevillea, and Cypress. The seedlings are now big enough to plant, and he plans to sell some of these first seedlings and plant others in the surrounding areas of land. His determination, combined with the business training from the Children’s Home, is providing the opportunity to one day fulfill his dream of helping his extended family!

And just so you don’t get the wrong idea and think Kevin is all work and no play, he is also quite a talented soccer player! Whenever he has free time, he can be found practicing and playing soccer with his ELI brothers.

Kevin is happy and grateful to God for his ELI home and family, and he has his sights set on a bright future!

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