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You will provide a child with a forever family that you get to be a part of!

It is through the support of people like you that children who once had no hope for the future are now being raised in a loving, Christ-centered home surrounded by people who see them as God sees themmade in His image and created with a purpose. (Enough already, let me pick my kid!)

We have made it as easy as possible for you to change the course of a precious child's life forever. Sponsorship is an ongoing partnership and relationship. Most people find that a monthly investment is easiest, and we make it possible for almost any budget to accommodate one of these powerful relationships.

When you join the cause, you’ll receive a call from our amazing team in our USA office to help you understand what comes next. A welcome packet will be mailed to you that includes a bio and photo of your child, as well as explaining how:
1. You can write letters to your precious child
2. You will receive letters from your child
3. You can send small gifts

4. To contact ELI if you ever have a question
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