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For an agonizing span of 40 years, alcoholism reigned as the norm in N’dalat, Kenya, casting its dark shadow over families and futures alike. Samuel was ensnared in this destructive cycle, his existence marred by an insatiable thirst for illegal alcohol that led him down a path of addiction and despair. His wife toiled away as a brewer of the toxic drink, and their seven children grew up in an atmosphere heavy with hopelessness, aching witnesses to the devastating impact of addiction.

In the year 2013, Samuel's wife summoned incredible courage, making the monumental decision to leave behind the brewing profession that had entangled her life and family for decades. With this choice, a spark of exhilaration ignited within the family. It was a new chapter, a fresh canvas on which to paint their dreams. Now with a lack of alcohol in the home, Samuel embarked on his own journey of self-discovery, shedding the shackles of addiction and the wreckage it had caused to his family and community.

In April, with the support of Lilian—a community mobilizer and advocate against brewing and alcoholism—Samuel was connected with ELI, the Kenya Anti-Alcohol (KAA) Team, for a transformative 10-day detox program. Miraculously, after years lost to the clutches of alcohol, Samuel found the strength to quit drinking and rewrite his story. His newfound sobriety was an answer to years of his family's prayers.

The subsequent months marked a period of renewal, and after four months of sobriety, a triumphant event took place. The family, together with the church and the KAA team, orchestrated a special handing-over service at Samuel's home. It was a moment of profound significance, celebrating his transition out of the arms and nurture of the ELI KAA team and into the care of his local church for spiritual guidance and accountability. Samuel's journey is a testament to the power of God to transform and the unwavering support of a global community united in hope.

But Samuel's story didn't end with his own transformation—it became a wellspring of inspiration for his eldest daughter, Area Chief Audia Jeptoo. Fueled by her father's recovery and influenced by the success of ELI's approach, Audia vowed to shift her strategy, seeking a partnership that aligned with the miracles she had witnessed firsthand. Through her tireless efforts, she became a guiding force, offering a lifeline to those ensnared by addiction, brewing, and despair.

Samuel’s testimony of transformation is an example of what God is doing as he is healing people above and beyond what we anticipate. His life, now marked with a renewed sense of hope, is not only inspiring but will put the power of God on display as he stands alongside his daughter as a living example of Jesus’ ability to break every chain. This example of restored alcoholics, reformed brewers, and chiefs working together to see village-wide transformation is directly connected to your prayers and support. It takes a team of change and a supernatural loving God all working together for people in communities to experience empowerment while they flourish and heal.

Change the Future

Forever impact moms, dads, and children
Invest Now on a Monthly Basis

Ignite World Changers

How many people do you want to empower each year?
(through monthly partnership)
Invest Now through a Special Gift

How You Can Impact One Person

$10 provides in-village awareness workshops

$60 provides 5 days of life-skill training

$35 provides a year's worth of coaching & mentoring

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Change the Future

Forever impact moms, dads, and children

Invest Now with a Recurring Gift

Empowering Villages with Hope!

$25/month or $300/year empowers emerging leaders to impact their villages

(for every 25 people who give $25/month, another village can be empowered)

Invest Now with a Special Gift

Empowering Villages with HOPE!

$50 provides a life-skills workshop in a village

$90 trains a woman to leave illegal brewing

$250 provides a village outreach/evangelism weekend

$1,800 empowers a village cohort to lead a community

$8,000 provides Family HOPE to an entire village
Fundraise to Ignite World Changers

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I want to ignite World Changers and give families HOPE!


For an agonizing span of 40 years, alcoholism reigned as the norm in N’dalat, Kenya, casting its dark shadow over families and futures alike. Samuel was ensnared in this destructive cycle, his existence marred by an insatiable thirst for illegal alcohol that led him down a path of addiction and despair. His wife toiled away as a brewer of the toxic drink, and their seven children grew up in an atmosphere heavy with hopelessness, aching witnesses to the devastating impact of addiction.

In the year 2013, Samuel's wife summoned incredible courage, making the monumental decision to leave behind the brewing profession that had entangled her life and family for decades. With this choice, a spark of exhilaration ignited within the family. It was a new chapter, a fresh canvas on which to paint their dreams. Now with a lack of alcohol in the home, Samuel embarked on his own journey of self-discovery, shedding the shackles of addiction and the wreckage it had caused to his family and community.

In April, with the support of Lilian—a community mobilizer and advocate against brewing and alcoholism—Samuel was connected with ELI, the Kenya Anti-Alcohol (KAA) Team, for a transformative 10-day detox program. Miraculously, after years lost to the clutches of alcohol, Samuel found the strength to quit drinking and rewrite his story. His newfound sobriety was an answer to years of his family's prayers.

The subsequent months marked a period of renewal, and after four months of sobriety, a triumphant event took place. The family, together with the church and the KAA team, orchestrated a special handing-over service at Samuel's home. It was a moment of profound significance, celebrating his transition out of the arms and nurture of the ELI KAA team and into the care of his local church for spiritual guidance and accountability. Samuel's journey is a testament to the power of God to transform and the unwavering support of a global community united in hope.

But Samuel's story didn't end with his own transformation—it became a wellspring of inspiration for his eldest daughter, Area Chief Audia Jeptoo. Fueled by her father's recovery and influenced by the success of ELI's approach, Audia vowed to shift her strategy, seeking a partnership that aligned with the miracles she had witnessed firsthand. Through her tireless efforts, she became a guiding force, offering a lifeline to those ensnared by addiction, brewing, and despair.

Samuel’s testimony of transformation is an example of what God is doing as he is healing people above and beyond what we anticipate. His life, now marked with a renewed sense of hope, is not only inspiring but will put the power of God on display as he stands alongside his daughter as a living example of Jesus’ ability to break every chain. This example of restored alcoholics, reformed brewers, and chiefs working together to see village-wide transformation is directly connected to your prayers and support. It takes a team of change and a supernatural loving God all working together for people in communities to experience empowerment while they flourish and heal.

Change the Future

Forever impact moms, dads, and children
Invest Now on a Monthly Basis

Empowering Villages with Hope!

$25/month or $300/year empowers emerging leaders to impact their villages

(for every 25 people who give $25/month, another village can be empowered)

Ignite World Changers

How many people do you want to empower each year?
(through monthly partnership)
Invest Now through a Special Gift

Empowering Villages with HOPE!

$50 provides a life-skills workshop in a village

$90 trains a woman to leave illegal brewing

$250 provides a village outreach/evangelism weekend

$1,800 empowers a village cohort to lead a community

$8,000 provides Family HOPE to an entire village

How You Can Impact One Person

$10 provides in-village awareness workshops

$60 provides 5 days of life-skill training

$35 provides a year's worth of coaching & mentoring

Learn More

Fundraise to Ignite World Changers

Create a Campaign

Start Your Movement

Host a Gathering

Sign Up Here
I want to ignite World Changers and give families HOPE!
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