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Child Spotlight

Eliud Kiptoo

Eliud Kiptoo is an inspiring young man who has overcome challenges no one should have to face. His father tragically passed away in 2019, leaving Eliud and his siblings in the care of their mother—someone who should have been a source of love, comfort, and care, but was instead a source of mistreatment and emotional pain. Thankfully, Eliud’s aunt recognized that he was not being well cared for and decided to step in. She made the courageous decision to bring Eliud and his sister into her own home as she sought further assistance from ELI. This is where Eliud’s story takes an incredible turn!

After hearing Eliud’s story and witnessing his desperate situation, he was warmly welcomed into the Kipkaren Children’s Home in 2019, where he was immediately met with the love and care he had been missing for so long. Since then, his life has flourished beyond measure!

Now in third grade, Eliud’s kindness and compassion make him a friend to all. He often spends time entertaining his siblings, playing soccer after school, and making precious memories with his family . . . but that’s not all! In 2020, Eliud experienced a profound moment with the Lord during a Sunday school service, igniting a fire of faith within his soul. He wholeheartedly embraced Christ as his savior, and now sees family devotions, church services, and times of worship as life’s greatest blessing. Eliud’s heart overflows with joy as he sings and dances to the Lord, expressing his boundless love and gratitude for what God has done in his life!

Eliud's journey from hopeless to hopeful is nothing short of extraordinary, and it fills us with so much excitement to witness his personal growth and unwavering faith! We look forward to the incredible things God has in store for Eliud’s life.

Vincent Kipsang

Kevin Teriokoo

Allan Kipkemboi

Dennis Kipchirchir

Flovia Jepng'etch

Viola Jelagat

Winney Jemutai

Omari Kisanya

Jotham Oiko

Caroline Jeptoo

Sharon Chelegat

Leah Naeku

Justus Kiplagat

Felix Kipkoech

Ben Kanyanga

Everlyne Chebet

Maria Elilim

Elisha Kiprop

Valary Jepkirui

Daniel Kipruto

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